
Photo Album: V

Mystic Messenger: Photo Album

Character: V

He earns to have his pic where the world can see him!!!

At the top, CG's will be added, while the very bottom will be some random stuff that made me have positive and negative feelings!

~~Spoiler Alert~~
You have been warned!



Just in case you want to understand the characters in the game V can help you with that, here is how V makes it short and sweet and to the point of everyone's story and understanding their personalities.


  1. when you will post the picture from secret endings?


    Tbh the reason i want to play this 'mistake' game is V. I thought he got a route for himself ;_;

    1. ME TOO!!


    Don't want, don't read.

    Do you think the bad end where Yoosung breaks the fourth wall by confirming Zen's dream that everyone is a robot is connected to this? On the surface, this ending may just seem like Yoosung is just being loony, but he said that everyone used to be human.

    What does that mean?

    Also Cheritz has confirmed that all games are connected!!
    the company had precious confirmed in a statement "these games are connected", what we are trying to do now, and see what connects them all.

    Also, at the very end, Jaehee tells the heroine to proceed the game after she has made up her mind.

    A commenters for a different post even said that Unknown says that everyone is controlled by V.

    Was V the desperate wish maker?

    Considering this, what's your opinion/theory?

    1. Doesn't V break the fourth wall too? On Zen's route I remember him saying that the MC was the only one that can heal everyone's wounds or something

    2. Other comments have touched on this, but I feel like all of the Mystic Messenger characters have desperate wishes that only come true in each of their good ends and after endings. To reiterate and add my interpretation:

    3. Zen wants to find success in his career and find love, despite the things he was raised hearing by his parents about how his career was going to inevitably fail and that his looks were too weird for anyone to ever truly accept him. But in his good ending, he becomes successful and has the MC at his side. He even has a chance to reconnect with his family and become closer with the people he resented for so long, like Jumin and his brother.

    4. Jaehee has always been fighting to not be a burden on anyone by working as hard as she can and being self-sufficient, even though she doesn't really know what she wants. She secretly wishes that she can figure that out, and to not be stuck in the never-ending rut of her high maintenance job. She's so sick of working so hard for things she isn't passionate about. In her good ending, she manages to quit the job that is literally making her ill and finds passion in something that she actually wants to do. All thanks to the MC. She even becomes closer friends with her idol Zen, which I'm sure was another wish. :)

    5. Yoosung can't stop mourning over Rika, and had previously only been so motivated with his studies and what he wants to do in life because of her love and support. He wants to be able to connect with someone else the way he did with her (though not exactly the same way since his memories with his cousin are valuable), and to gain back a sense of direction in his life again. In his good end, he finds a new bond that motivates him to keep going in the MC, and with her love and support he's able to not only gain his momentum back, but he even goes as far as to get his doctorates in school and become a well-established, successful individual. He's also able to finally accept Rika's death, and forgive the person who he's held so much animosity to for so long.

    6. Jumin loves his father, but despises his father's lust for women. It's affected Jumin's own faith in romance, and this fact along with the lonely life of growing up in such a prestige and wealthy family has caused him to feel isolated and lonely. He wants to connect to someone but has given up since he can't seen to figure out how, and mourns over the fact that the only person who he felt he could ever relate to on such a deep level, Rika, has not only passed away but was in love with his best friend. He relates Rika and his love for her in the cat she gifted him, but he avoids the truth that a cat companion isn't enough to break his loneliness. In his good ending, he comes to terms about his crush on Rika and how he projected it on to his cat, and finds someone who can really break down his barriers and stay by his side while completely understanding the real him like the MC does. She loves him for him, and not his family and wealth, and is able to become more emotional and honest with himself with her love and support. Not only that, but he's able to finally get through to his Dad after a lifetime of him being a womanizer about how all of these women are simply manipulating their wealth and standing. Jumin is able to get closer to his dad as a result, and can overall life a content life he didn't think possible.

    7. Seven abandoned his brother with the notion that V and Rika promised they'd take care of him, and he has faith that they kept true to their word. But nonetheless, he can't help but hate himself for going against what he had promised to Saeran, and that plus the lonely life of being a secret agent has robbed Seven of the positive and will to live the good life that motivated him when he grew up in his abusive home. Without having someone to care for and protect like he did with Saeran, he feel empty. His dangerous job where even a joke can get someone killed means that he can't really embrace anything. The complexity of his work environment means that everything is temporary, and that as well as Seven having to live his entire life in hiding anyway has wired him to believe that he is better not being noticed or remembered. These conflicting two sides of his personality - his positive side growing up, and the emptiness he feels about his life now - is what caused him to formulate his wacky and loud persona that he uses as an outlet with the RFA. But deep down, he knows it's fake. Despite knowing it's "not what's best", he really wants someone who he can completely connect with and know him for him, and someone he can mutually care for so much that he can protect. He also wants to desperately be reunited with Saeran again, and to live the future that they had always promised each other growing up. With the MC's support, Seven is able to move past his lifetime of abuse and secrecy and really embrace his true self, Saeyoung. And not only does he find someone to protect who also brings back his positivity and possess all of the same traits that Seven has always admired, but he's now able to protect her and his brother, who he's only able to reunite with thanks to the MC. That, along with Saeran and V's wishes coming true in the secret endings (Saeran's true wish, not his brainwashed wish, of Seven finally coming to retrieve him to live free. Then V's wish to reunite with Rika, to get her to stop doing what she's doing, and to heal the rest of the RFA) all come true...thanks to the MC. :)

  4. Do you possibly think that V made a wish? I don't know much about the games previously but you are the one who got me into mystic messenger! I love the story and the characters but I feel like I'm missing something.
