

Thailand dogs as cuisine...


Hello everyone, I would have posted something more cheerful, but I felt like I needed to spread the word on this article, before you exit out I would like for you to keep on reading this post and spread the word around, and I hope that you might also help the foundation.

Lately in the news you might have heard how Thailand dogs end up as Vietnamese cuisine. Sure people kill for food, I mean we are humans, we do eat meat, it's in our nature, just like all other animals, but it is inhumane on how these poor creatures are being packed up tight, sent around in a very long journey dehydrated tired and scared to death because apparently, the more scared the poor dog is the tastier it is, why? Apparently it releases these special hormones that does that, so who doesn't like a tastier meat? So in order do that, the slaughter the poor dogs throat in front of the other dogs, to cause them fear. Sure these poor canines can bite back but what much can they do, if theirs consumer demand. Just read the following article from The Global Mail. 
 It is enormously distressing for people to witness with their eyes what these animals experience with their bodies. It is indefensible and horrifically cruel to do this to any living creature - but the only thing for evil to prevail is for a few good people to sit around and do nothing; I am doing my part - ask yourself,

"What can I do today to make this stop and for people to act more consciously?"


How to make Onigiri Updated!

Hello Everyone!!! 

The page on "How to make rice balls" has been updated, the font is now darker and a lot easier to read.

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