

Mystic Messenger: CG

Good evening everyone,

First of all wanted to say thank you to the people who have been helping me out answering a few questions, that I myself was not aware for Mystic Messenger; also for taking the time and reading my random blog, with messed up grammar and spelling!

Now to the main topic of the day: CG
Many of you have sent me plenty of messages requesting Spoilers (which will not add till the Apple version comes out, I know they are experiencing a few difficulties with the game so please have patience), So no Spoilers will be posted on the story plot!

I mean if I just reveal the Extra 1 & 2....

Your whole world will turn upside down or you will go berserk. So in order to prevent that. No spoilers will be posted as of now. I do apologize to those who have been waiting forever!

Instead here is a pic... hope you forgive me:
 So adorable!!!!!!!!!

Anyway..... moving on, instead I will be posting the CG's that I have gotten for each route as of now. A few are still missing, either I didn't make the right choice or need to switch my answer choices, so will ONLY post the CG's for each character. Just click the link of the character you would like to view.... oh, but I will not post  V's or the ending CG's!! I don't want to spoil everyone and the story!

View if you want to see, do not get angry at me, if you find out about the story, I mean you can guess what is going on just by the pictures!!

Under Construction: 
Still trying to screenshot all of the CG's, since there are several of them!
If a link is added then it's probably because those are the only CG's that I have as of now available/posted!

 Ray + Unknown= Saeran!


News Update:
Cheritz will now be enforcing the rules!
If you are cheating or finding loopholes I would stop or run the risk of being permanently banned from the game forever!!!
More information on the link below:
>>> Mystic Messenger: Enforcing the Rules! <<<

For the past few weeks I have been receiving many awesome questions through email or the comments section. Sadly, I sometimes don't reply fast enough to be able to help you out of that particular predicament.

So I have decided to share my line ID. 

LINE ID: aya_144

In order for me to respond faster to any questions or concerns about Mystic Messenger or anything related to my blog. So don't hesitate to contact me, trust me I will be able to respond right away or at least in the next 6 hours for sure.

Once you have added me send me a message! Just let me know that you got my ID from my blog, and I won't think you are a random stranger or creeper. ^^

If you do not have LINE... I highly recommend the app it is the best, at least for me that is.
For more information about LINE here is the website just click the picture below!

Have also my own little group, and even a BL group! Let me know if you would like to join!

(Not sure if I will regret it later on, but I will trust people that they won't do any funny business, if you do, trust me I will just report you and block you!)


  1. Why are the guys do hot!!!!
    We need to petition for V, to have a route!!!!!

  2. V is blind, you are welcome for the spoiler, people who don't know. :D

  3. For some reason, i cant play this game to the end. Can you please at lewat send me the piture of the "r.f.a family photo"? The one where Saeran and mc also in??? Please.. i just need to know how it looks like so i can be at peace.... My midterm starting next week so i need some closure.... Please.....

    1. At least i mean, not At lewat.... im sorry... Phone's keyboard can be a bitj sometimes.... Once again, im begging you.

  4. Replies
    1. *Shakes fists to the heavens*


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
