

Sorry for the Lack of Response

We apologize in advance if we have not been able to answer any of your questions. The team has been a bit busy lately with life. If you want a faster response from the team please feel free to join our Line group chat 'Talkaboutrandom'. (Though the group might be inactive and overly active at times). Once you join the team, you can leave a quick message saying you read our blog, and have a few quick questions, one of the members like myself will gladly help you out. If you have any questions or concerns about the group itself please leave a comment below.

Before you join the group please consider the following points...
  1. The members might be active and inactive at times... we can receive up to 100 messages in less than an hour or even a 100 messages in a six months. (if there is a recent update in a game, then the group might become a bit crazy, especially me!)
  2. I will not tolerate anyone being disrespectful to other members, or you will automatically be removed from the group.
  3. You may post anything that you want, from Mystic Messenger to other random topics, as long as you don't overly spam the group and you  don't disrespect anyone and their beliefs.
If you are still willing to join the group just use the QR Code below:

If you would like to send me a message directly to me; feel free to just add my Line ID. Just remember to send me a quick message introducing yourself, that way I know your not a creeper.

For example: 

Hi, read your blog and added your line id! My name is AyaAya. Can you help me out with Blahblah. 

Of course you don't have to say it exactly like the above sentence, but it's just an idea. LOL! XD
Anyway looking forward to meeting you all, and against sorry again for not responding fast enough to all of your comments or suggestions. Also, thank you all for helping each other out, when we are not able to, we greatly appreciate all of your help! Lastly, thank you for liking my SoundcCloud Playlist!!

Stay safe everyone!- Aya

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