

FIFA: World Cup FEVER!!!

Hello everyone!! 


Still a bit sick but feeling better now, thank you for all the nice msg's and remedies. I tried quite a few. From warm honey with lemon, to a tequila shot.I feel better than ever. Though I still have my cough attacks. Darn! Bronchitis never fun to have! My parents also came to visit me in the UK! So... my mom had the chance to remember all those great memories of taking care of me when i was sick and still lived with my parents (great times). 
Honestly both my parents were rather annoyed with me after the coughing wouldn't go away, since I wouldn't shut-up and just kept on coughing, who can blame them. I was rather annoyed with my self as well(stomach was hurting from coughing so much!). But we had fun going everywhere or they did I was in bed...
Now that I am a bit better my manager and boss are back!! YAY!!! *sarcasm* Will be flying to Tokyo soon for the one month meet .... YAY!! *sarcasm* Super excited that I am being dragged shown to this super exciting meeting where we just fight discuss new ideas and how we can improve/change the compant. Em I scared that they will mad at  me.... NOPE!! **looks around** Moving on.

The world cup is coming!

My parents and younger brother and all my buddies are making a huge deal about it. Some of my female friends are rather getting annoyed that their bf are already ignoring them before the tournament even starts. LOL! I'm not so into it, but I get dragged into it, and support my friends "team's". From USA, to Mexico, to Japan, to Germany, etc. Which is pretty cool. But trying to make me a fan of soccer by buying me team shirts and free food... still not working on me.

All the guys are ready for it. We will be heading for the tournament this summer. Which we are all excited about!

How are you preparing for it? 

And what are the things we go through during the world cup season? 

A Brand new short to remind and prepare us for the upcoming world cup in Brazil!

  • Radwan walktrough completed sorry for the delay.

  • It's our secret: Story 3 Updated.

Random Videos my friends keep sending me... they do make me laugh quite a bit. 

Have a safe fun summer!


  1. Fifa world cup 2014 The upcoming FIFA World Cup hosted by Brazil is just around
