

Student Life> Hetamen...

Hey everyone since we did a report on news it was rather boring to some of our viewers we all know that news, is not everyone's cup of tea but we have to get informed somehow right.

So with that in mind, our random topic of the day is "STUDENT LIFE".


Well maybe because most of us went back to school recently, or will be going back to school any time soon, and now we are trying to get back in work mode, but then again if you are reading this I highly doubt you are studying. Shame on you! ^^

Anyway just wanted to add a few pictures, they are quite hilarious, but can somehow be true, in real life situations which I guess is the whole reason why they are hilarious in the first place.

But before we get into that, for everyone else that was requesting Hetamen, Chapter 3-4, I have finally added it to our blog under pages, which should be on your right side or just click here. It is not the full chapter, only some pics, did not want to do all of it. Just some important pics, I have also added the link where you can also download the RAWS.

Ineternational Headline News For January 2013

Hello Everyone!! Happy Belated New year!!
It has been a long time since we popped up! So I am sure that everyone who was in school is officially back again!! YAY! ^u^
Oh well time sure flies by fast. Hope everyone had a fun time during the Holiday Season, Chinese New Year is just around the corner too, Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday! Hopefully everyone had a good time, maybe with family and friends or by yourselves relaxing away, either way its all good as long as everyone is safe!